Complaints and Feedback
York Hills Child and Family Centre is aware that the quality of care we provide will have significant impact on the lives in the children, youth and families that utilize our services. The delivery of this care is safeguarded, in part, by the professional standards of our staff, our agency policies, adherence to best practices as well as our compliance with all applicable local, provincial and federal regulations. We also hold ourselves to a high standard of professional conduct to our partners and stakeholders in the community.
We are committed to continuous improvement to client and family-centered quality care. Clients, their parents/guardians/families/substitute decision makers, visitors, members of the community and service partners are, therefore, encouraged to share feedback about their experience at York Hills through this email
Feedback received will be forwarded to the York Hills CEO. Such feedback will be duly considered and responded to as appropriate.
We are also committed to address complaints in a thorough, systematic and timely manner. Clients are protected from reprisal for registering a complaint, as per York Hills Policy and as noted in the Family Handbook.
Client: Any current or past client accessing a York Hills program or service, their parent(s)/guardian(s)/family/substitute decision makers [SDM], visitors, members of the community and service partners.
Feedback: Inquiries, compliments, concerns, complaints, comments and suggestions received from clients about their experience with York Hills.
Concern: An expression of dissatisfaction with day-to-day programming and/or services resolved or addressed within 2 business days.
Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction with the service received from York Hills, where a client, their parents/guardians/families/substitute decision makers, believes that the organization has not resolved or addressed a concern within 2 business days nor provided a service to their satisfaction, and a response is explicitly or implicitly expected.
Feedback Procedures
We want to hear from you about your experience at York Hills. Please let us know how we are doing by highlighting areas that have made your experience positive, but also areas where we can improve.
Your feedback is important to us.
Please feel free to contact us at any time, in the following ways:
- Request to speak with a York Hills staff
- Email us at
York Hills Complaints Procedures
If there are concerns regarding our services, we want to work together with you to resolve them.
Step 1 We would encourage you to speak with the staff involved when the situation arose as soon as you believe that there is a problem. It is, in our experience, best to attempt to clear things up in a timely manner, rather than let those concerns linger.
Step 2 If you still have a concern after speaking with the staff involved, you can ask to speak or meet with the manage/director of the program. Other people in the agency who might be helpful in resolving the issue may be invited to be part of the discussion and/or attend the meeting.
Step 3 If the matter is still unresolved, you may request a meeting with the CEO At this stage your concern will be designated as a complaint. Any concern or complaint will be formally acknowledged within 2 days of receipt. Updates on the status of a complaint will be provided within 14 days and subsequently at intervals of 15 days or less.